Who We Are

We are a California based, non-profit 501(c)3 organization that supports the ministry of Estonia Christian Family Radio through funding, construction and strategic planning. Our support and partnership began in 1993 at the fall of Communism.

The Christian Radio network is based in the Estonian cities of Tallinn, Tartu and Narva providing FM and AM Christian programming and broadcasting 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Programming is comprised of reading of scripture, sharing prayer requests and leading and encouraging prayer times , Bible teaching, music and special pre-recorded Christian programming from renowned Christian leaders .

Approximately 90% of the country of Estonia receives Christian programming in the Estonian language over a network of FM studios

Russian programming is produced in the cities of Narva and Johvi and transmitted over AM towers at 200K watts of power from a remote tower site in Kavastu near the Russian border. These programs are directed toward the cities of St. Petersburg and Moscow, and neighboring countries of Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine and eastern Germany.

Program development, broadcast scheduling, administrative and engineering responsibilities are undertaken by a professional and experienced team of 20 staff personnel with the assistance and contribution of over 150 volunteers.

The activities and capital expenditures of Estonia Christian Family Radio are sustained by the faithful support of listeners, Estonia church congregations, air time agreements with successful Christian program organizations and the board members of European Christian Radio and their financial supporters across the United States.

To learn more about Who We Are and to learn of opportunities to join in the support of European Christian Radio and Estonia Christian Family Radio, please direct your inquiry to [email protected].

Our Mission

European Christian Radio supports life changing radio broadcasting of the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Estonia, Eastern Europe and portions of Russia in partnership with Estonia Christian Family Radio.

We Believe

  • In one triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • The Bible is God’s infallible Word to man.
  • Jesus Christ is God and lived fully as God and fully as man.
  • Salvation is only through Jesus Christ’s atonement on the cross.
  • Forgiveness of sins is for all who come to Him in repentance.
  • The Holy Spirit reveals and glorifies Jesus Christ and makes God’s love real to man.
  • Jesus Christ will come again and reign forever.

Board of Directors

The Board of European Christian Radio, ECR, is comprised of eight members from various medical, technical, business and educational backgrounds. Most members have been personally involved with Estonia’s Tartu Family Radio from its inception.

Our dedicated members are devoted to spreading the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ through Tartu Family Radio’s AM and FM radio broadcasts. They work in partnership with the Board and Staff of Tartu Family Radio. This includes offering financial support, advice and technical assistance from project team members located throughout the United States and Canada.

Our members also find time for personal involvement and leadership in their local evangelical churches and communities. The core purpose of ECR board members’ efforts is a dedication and commitment to fulfill the Great Commission given to all believers by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

James Carlson


Greg Jardine

Lynda Soares


Ted Dickason


Andrew MacMillan

Piret Leonetti

Doug Wesson

Phil Yakligian

Your Donations

European Christian Radio is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization so your donations to our work are tax-deductible as allowed by law. ECR is commited to the highest standards of financial accountability and ECR is an organization with no paid staff. At least 95% of our operating expenses each year go directly to fund the broadcasting of Christian radio through our partners in ministry Estonia Christian Family Radio.

Your gifts to ECR fuel a far-reaching Christian radio network that makes the gospel available to millions of people with the message of salvation. Your investment has eternal value.

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European Christian Radio Project Inc.

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